Tokyo Kindai Tosho (1867-1945) Copyright by Chris Bowen Tokura 1014-6 Mishima, Shizuoka 411 Japan The following index contains the names and student/teacher relationships of Tokyo kindai tosho. Also included are the names of some smiths who continued working after the war; some are still active. Smiths who worked predominately in the shinshinto period are not included. Formally organized schools or groups are also listed. This information is constantly being updated and expanded. However, any future additions will undoubtedly be obscure and rather mundane smiths whose production was either nil or of poor quality. If the readership should have information which superceeds the following, or adds to it, please do me the favor of contacting me and letting me know. This list forms the skeleton of a book I am currently writing. If by chance you should have a blade by any of the following smiths, especially the more obscure smiths, please send me details of the blade and an oshigata. I have tried very hard to check, cross-check, and re-check the following information. However, errors are bound to surface. Should you find any, please feel free to call me nasty names, but in the end, let me know the error of my ways... I. Nihon To Tanren Denshujo (“ú–{’b—û“`Kê) and the Nihon To Gakuin (“ú–{“Šw‰@) The Nihon To Tanren Denshujo was located in Akasaka, Hikawa-cho, on the grounds of the estate of Kurihara Hikosaburo, who was a member of the National Diet, as well as an amateur swordsmith. He had a deep interest in nihonto from an early age, and after several attempts, finally secured enough financial backing to open the Denshujo on July 5, Showa 8. In Showa 16, for a variety of reasons, the school closed and a new academy, the Nihon To Gakuin, was opened on the grounds of the Imperial Army's facility in Zama (Sobudai), Kanagawa Prefecture. The following smiths are associated with the Denshujo and/or the Gakuin. Full-time smiths were all given the meiji 'Aki' (º) by Akihide. Several others were students of Kasama Shigetsugu, who was the head teacher in Showa 9-10. These students used 'Tsugu' in their mei. The teacher-student relationship is often indistinct at the Denshujo and at the Gakuin because often students studied under more than one teacher. Although it is said that Akihide wasn't a professional swordsmith and wasn't trained to produce swords independently from start to finish, he made a specialty out of yaki-ire, and tempered many blades made by others. Out of respect, he is referred to as a 'teacher'. The second half of this group trained at the Nihon To Gakuin. Both students and student's students are listed. (NOTE: ** denotes a part-time student): 1. Akihide (ºG)/ Hikosaburo (•FŽO˜Y) 1.1. Akitomo (º—F) 1.2. Akimune (º@) 1.3. Akifusa (º–[) 1.4. Akihira (º•½)/ Yukihira (s•½) 1.5. Akitoshi (ºŽõ) 1.6. Akikuni (º‘) 1.7. Akitsugu (ºŽŸ) / Akimasa (º¹) 1.8. Akiyoshi (º‰Ã) 1.9. Akimori (ºŽç)/ Morikuni (Žç‘) 1.10. Akihiro (ºL) 1.11. Akihisa (º‹v) 1.12. Akinobu (ºM) 1.13. Akimasa (º³) 1.14. Masanori («‰ž) 1.15. Akitoshi (ºr) 1.16. Akikane (ºŒ“)/ Mitsukane (ŒõŒ“)/ Munefusa (@–[) 1.17. Akiyasu (ºN) 1.18. Akizane (º^) 1.19. Akikiyo (º´) 1.20. Shigechika (de) ** 1.21. Akinori (º‘¥) 1.21.1. Shigehide (dG) / Hifumi (ˆê“ñŽO) 1.22. Akimori (º·)/ Munetsugu (@Œp) 1.23. Akitsugu (ºŒp)/ Tsugukiyo (Œp´) 1.23.1. Akihiro (ºL)/ Tsuguhiro (ŒpL) 1.24. Akimitsu (ºŒõ) 1.24.1. Akitsugu (ºŽŸ) 1.25. Akisada (º’å) 1.26. Akitaka (ºF) 1.27. Akitaka (º—²) 1.28. Akimasa (º³) 1.29. Masakiyo (³´) ** 1.29.1. Masaryu(³—¯) 1.29.2. Masakane (³Œ“) 1.29.3. Masakatsu (³Ÿ) 1.30. Kunitoshi (‘r) ** 1.31. Tadayoshi (’‰‘P) ** 1.32. Kunimitsu (‘Œõ) ** 1.33. Masatsugu (³ŽŸ) ** 1.33.1. Tadataka (’‰F) 1.33.2. Tadahisa (’‰‹v) 1.34. Yoshisaku (‘Pì) ** 1.35. Akitoshi (º—˜) 1.36. Akitake (º•) 1.37. Akimichi (º“¹) 1.38. Tadashi (ƒ^ƒ_ƒV) ** 1.39. Tosuke (“Œ•) ** 1.40. Akifuku (º•Ÿ) 1.40.1. Akihisa (º‹v) /Akimasa (º³) 1.41. Akiyuki (ºs) 1.42. Akikuni (º‘) 1.43. Akikuni (º‘) 1.44. Akiyoshi (º‹g)/ Yoshikane (‹g•ï) 1.44.1. Akiyoshi (º‹g) 1.44.2. Sadatomo (’å—F) 1.44.3. Yoshikane (‹g•ï) 1.44.4. Kunimitsu (‘Œõ) 1.44.5. Noriyoshi (“¿‹g) 1.44.6. Yoshichika (‹`‹ß) 1.45. Akimichi (º“¹) 1.46. Akitomi (º•x) 1.47. Akimaro (º–›) 1.48. Akiyoshi (º—Ç) 1.49. Akitake (º•) / Yoshihiro (‹`O) 1.50. Kunitake (‘ˆÐ) ** 1.51. Kuniyoshi(‘Œc) ** 1.52. Morikuni (Žç‘) ** 1.53. Kazuyuki (ˆês) ** 1.54. Kaneshige (Œ“d) ** 1.55. Chikahide (eG) ** 1.56. Mitsuhiro (ŒõL) ** 1.57. Kunimitsu (‘Œõ) ** 1.58. Morikuni (Žç‘) ** 1.58.1. Masamichi (³“¹) 1.59. Teruhide (‹PG) / (‹P“ú“V) ** 1.60. Mitsunori (Œõ‹é) ** 1.61. Masafusa (³–[) ** 1.62. Yoshifusa (‹g–[) / Yoshihisa (‹g‹v) ** 1.63. Tsuneharu (펡) ** 1.64. Terumasa (Ƴ) ** II. Ikkansai Ke (ˆêŠÑÖ) The following swordsmiths are considered to be members of the Ikkansai group. The first 5 mainline smiths usually included 'Ikkansai' in their signatures. 1. Shigetoshi (”ÉŽõ) 1.1. Masatoshi (³Žõ) / Masafusa (³–[) 1.1.1. Motohiro (ŠîL) Masamoto (³Šî) 1.1.2. Shigetsugu (”ÉŒp) / Masateru (³‹P) Toshihiro (ŽõL) / Yasuhiro (–õL) / Kunimori (‘Œì) Tsunatoshi (PŽõ) / Toshimune (Žõ@) Uju (‰FŽõ) Kamikuni (_‘) Chikafusa (e–[) Mitsuhiro (ŒõL) ? (—ÑK‘¾˜Y) Masatoshi (³Žõ) / Hiromoto (LŒ³) Mitsuyasu (Œõ•Û) ** Shigemasa (”ɳ) / (”É) Masayuki (K) Masatsune (³P) Ichibun (ˆê•¶) Masataka (³‘¸) / Noriaki (“¿Œ°) Okimasa (‹N³) Masaaki (³˜a) Kiyoaki (´˜a) Masasumi (³Ÿ) Yoshiaki (Šìº) / Masamitsu (³Œõ) Masatoshi (³Žõ) / Hiromoto (LŒ³) ****The following students studied under Kasama Shigetsugu at the Denshujo. Also listed are these student's students: Kuniiye (‘‰Æ) Masasane (³^) Kuninobu (‘“W) Kuniyasu (‘ˆÀ)/ Kunitoshi (‘Žõ) Yoshimitsu (‹gŒõ) Shoji (‘‘“ñ) / Kuniiye (‘‰Æ) Yoshindo (‹`l) Akitomo (º—F) Tomomaro (—F–›) Sukefusa (•–[) Tomohide (—FG) / Sukehide (‰îG) Sadatomo (’å—F) Mitsuyasu (Œõ•Û) ** Akimune (º@) Munetsugu (@ŽŸ) Akihisa (º‹v) Akifusa (º–[) Munetsugu (@Œp)/ Akimori (º·) Tsugukiyo (Œp´)/ Akitsugu (ºŒp) Tsuguhiro (ŒpO) Munetoshi (@—˜)/ Munehide (@G) Hidemune (G@) Tsuguyasu (ŒpN) Tsuguyoshi (Œp‹`) Kanetsugu (Œ“Œp) Tsugunobu (Œp‰„)/ Kaneharu (Œ“t) Tsugumasa (Œp) Teruhide (‹PG) Teruyoshi (‹P‹g) / Teruhide (‹P“ú“V) (TeruhideÕs younger brother) Teruiye (‹P‰Æ) Terukatsu (‹PŸ) Yoshiteru (‹`‹P) Terumitsu (‹PŒõ) III. Nihon To Tanren Kai (“ú–{“’b˜B‰ï) These are the smiths who worked at the Yasukuni Shrine, and their students. The Nihonto Tanrenkai opened on the grounds of the Yasukuni Shrine, in Kudanshita, Tokyo, in Showa 8. Under the sponsorship of the Imperial Army, smiths produced swords for graduates of the Army's Officer's Academy. The army conferred the kanji 'Yasu', from the shrine, on the smiths upon commencement of production. Some 8000 swords were produced by this group during the period from Showa 8-20. 1. Yasuhiro (–õL) 1.1. Shigemasa (”ɳ)/ Shigemasa (”É) 2. Yasunori (–õ“¿) / Ujimasa (Ž³)/ Takenori (•“¿)/ Masamune (³@) 2.1. Yasunori (–õŒ›)/ Takenori (•Œ›) 2.1.1. Yasuharu (–õt) / Yasuyoshi (–õ‹g) 2.1.2. Masatada (³’‰) / Michimasa (“¹³) 2.1.3. Masataka (³F) / Morimitsu (XŒõ) / Masamitsu (³Œõ) 2.2. Yasutoshi (–õ—˜) 2.3. Yasuoki (–õ‹») / Yasuoki (–õ“T) 3. Yasumitsu (–õŒõ)/ Kazumitsu (ˆêŒõ) 3.1. Yasunobu (–õ‰„) 3.1.1. Suketoshi (•Žõ) / Toshimitsu (ŽõŒõ) 3.2. Yasushige (–õ”É) 3.3. Yasutake (–õ•) 3.3.1. Tsunamitsu (PŒõ) 3.4. Yasuaki (–õ—v) IV. The Tokiwamatsu Tanren Kenkyu Jo (“}”Õ¼’b—ûŒ¤‹†ê) This forge was located on the estate of ultranationalist Toyama Mitsuru. Smiths who made swords here part-time include the following: 1. Shigetsugu (”ÉŒp) 2. Akihiro (ºL) 3. Toshihiro (ŽõL) 4. Okimasa (‹N³) V. Hanazawa Tanren Jo (‰H‘ò’b—ûê) and the Horii (–xˆä) Group The Hanazawa Tanrenjo was opened in the late Meiji period and operated until the late Taisho period. The following list includes smiths from the Hanazawa Tanrenjo and their students: 1. Horii Taneyoshi (ˆû‹g) / Yoshiaki (‹g•¶) 1.1. Horii Taneaki (ˆû–¾) 1.1.1. Horii Toshihide (rG) / Kaneaki (Œ“–¾) / Hideaki (G–¾) 1.1.2. Kurihara Akihide (ºG) 1.1.3. Masakuni (^‘) / Nobuaki (M–¾) Masayoshi (³‹`) / Sukeyasu (—SN) Sukehiro (—SO) / Sukemitsu (—SŒõ) Suketsune (—SP) / Sukekuni (—S‘) Kuniyoshi (‘–F) ? (“¡“cŒÜŽO˜Y) 1.1.4. Sukekuni (—S‘) / Toshiaki (Žõ–¾) Tsuneyasu (PN) Suketsune (—SP) / Sukekuni (—S‘) ? (’r“cH‹g) 1.1.5. Kanekuni (Œ“‘) / Yoshiaki (—Ç–¾) Kanekuni (Œ“‘) / Masahira (^•½) Kanekuni (Œ“‘) Kuniaki (‘–¾) 1.1.6. Muneaki (@–¾) 1.1.7. Yasuaki (•Û–¾) 1.1.8. Masatada (³’‰) 1.2. Tanekatsu (ˆûŸ) 1.3. Tanetsugu (ˆûŽŸ) 1.4. Yoshisumi (‹gŸ) 2. Ukoh (‰HŽH) (amateur) VI. The Okura Tanrenjo (¬‘q’b—ûŠ) The following smiths produced swords at the Okura Tanrenjo, which was located on the grounds of the estate of the Baron Okura: 1. Kunimori (‘Œì) / Toshihiro (ŽõL) / Yasuhiro (–õL) 1.1. Masatoshi (³Žõ) / Hiromoto (LŒ³) 2. Shigemasa (”ɳ) 3. Akinori (º‘¥) VII. The Hayama Enshin Ke (‰HŽR‰~S‰Æ) The following smiths were members of the Hayama group in Tokyo: 1. Jounsai Hayama Enshin (ò‰_Ö‰HŽR‰~^) / Masahiro (³Š°) 1.1. Hayama Enshin (‰HŽR‰~S) / Masahiro (³Š°) 1.2. Hayama Masasane (‰HŽR³^) 1.3. Masahiro (³Š°) 1.4. Hiromasa (Š°Ô) 1.5. Taizo (‘Α ) 1.6. Masafusa (³–[) ** VIII. The Sakurai Ke (÷ˆä‰Æ) The following smiths were members of the Tokyo Sakurai group: 1. Sakurai Masatsugu (÷ˆä³ŽŸ) 1.1. Masayuki (³K)/Masatsuna (³j) 1.2. Masayo (³¢) 1.3. Torasaku (ŒÕì) 1.4. Masamichi (³“¹) 1.5. Maiko (•‘Žq) / Shigesuke (âf•) / Hidemaru (“úoŠÛ) (amateur) IX. Kanenori Ke (•ï‘¥‰Æ) The following smiths belong to the Minamoto Kanenori group: 1. Kanenori (•ï‘¥) / Toshiie (Žõ‰Æ) 1.1. Kanesada (•ï’å) 1.2. Kaneharu (•ïŽ¡) 1.3. Kanemitsu (•ïŒõ) 1.4. Morioka Masayoshi (X‰ª³‹g) X. Tsuchino Ke (“y–ì‰Æ) The following smiths are members of the Tsuchino group in Saitama Prefecture: 1. Naotaka (’¼F) 2. Naohiro (’¼O) 2.1. Naohiro (’¼O) 2.2. Naohiro(’¼O) 2.2.1. Naohiro (’¼O) 2.3. Masayuki (³K) 2.3.1. Akinobu (ºM) ** (MasayukiÕs son-in-law) 2.4. Masayoshi (¹Šì) XI. Yoshichika Ke (—Ç‹ß) The following smiths are members of the Yoshichika group: 1. Yoshichika (—Ç‹ß) 1.1. Nidai Yoshichika (—Ç‹ß) 1.2. Sukeyuki (‰î”V) 1.3. Kiyonosuke (_”V•) 1.4. Yoshiharu (‹`Ž¡) XII. Koishikawa Hohei Kojo (¬Îì–C•ºHŠ) These smiths worked in the Imperial Army's arsenal factory in Koishikawa. Sometimes the blades have a kokuin composed of three interlocking circles. 1. Morioka Masayoshi (³‹g) 2. Nidai Yokoyama Sukekane (—S•ï) 2.1. Sukekazu (—Sˆê) 3. Mitsuhira (Œõ•½) 4. Kanehira (Œ“•½)/ Nihei (m•½) (kodai Inaba Kanesaki-brother of Mitsuhira?) 5. Tsuneyoshi (Œo–F) (Murata blade inventor) XIII. Tokyo Dai Ichi Rikugun Zoheisho (“Œ‹ž‘æˆê—¤ŒR‘¢•º±) These smiths made swords at the Imperial Army's arsenal factory in Akabane, Tokyo (1943-45). These swords are usually inscribed 'Tokyo Dai Ichi Rikugun Zoheisho'. Others may have also worked here on a part-time basis. 1. Nobutaka (éˆÐ) 2. Kanemasa (Œ“³) 3. Katsunobu (ŸM) 4. Morikuni (Žç‘) XIV. Other The following smiths include: 1. Those working in the late Bakumatsu period on into the Meiji Period. 2. Smiths not formally affiliated with any of the above groups who nonetheless made swords in Tokyo. 3. Smiths which have not yet been proven to be connected with any of the above groups. Akimi (º”ü) (Denshujo?) Akitaka (º‚) (Denshujo?) Akiyuki (º’Ê) (Denshujo?) Genji (Œ¹ŽŸ) Hisahiro (‹vO) Hidetoshi (Gr) Hidemori (‰pŽç) Hirotsugu (LŽŸ)/ Hirotsugu (Š°ŽŸ) ( SokanÕs son ) Hironaga (Š°’·) (Enshin ?) Hisayoshi (‹v‹`) Ishinsai (ˆêSÖ) Kiyokane (´Œ“) (Denshujo?) Kunihide (‘G) ((kodai Tsunatoshi) Kunimitsu (‘Œõ) Kunimune (‘@) Kunihiro (‘”Ž) Kunitada (‘’‰) Kunitaka (‘—²) Korehide (¥G) (kodai Tsunatoshi) Korekazu (¥ˆê) (kodai Korekazu) Kunimasa (‘˜a) Masatada (³Žü) ( Suzuki MasaoÕs group) Masanori (³‘¥) (Joukeishi MasaakiÕs student) Masakazu (³ˆê) Masanobu (³—^)/Masataka (Œ«) Masayoshi (‘P) Masatsuna (¹j) Masasuke (³•) Mitsukazu (Œõˆê) Miyotaro (ŽO‘㑾˜Y) Morikuni (·‘) Morimichi (Žç“¹) Moritoshi (·r) ( Kurihara NobuhideÕs student) Morotaka (ŽtŒh) Muneshige (@d) Nanta (“푾) Nankoku (“ì‘) Naokatsu (’¼Ÿ)/ Naomune (’¼—È) (Sandai Naokatsu; Naomune is early mei) Naohide (’¼G) (NaokatsuÕs student; Naotane group) Naohiro (’¼L) Naotake (®•) Noriyuki (‘¥s) Saneoki (^‹») Saneyoshi (^‹`) (Kato Ichitaro (‰Á“¡ˆê‘¾˜Y); Hanazawa Tanrenjo?) Sanezumi (^Ÿ) Senshu (åãT) Shizukuni (’Á‘) Sukenobu (—SM) Tadakazu (’‰˜a) Takaoki (‚‹») Takeshi (•) Tokiyoshi (Žž‹g) Tsuguesuke (Œp‚¦•) Ujiyori (Ž”’) Yasufusa (N–[) Yasushige (Nd) (12th generation Shitahara) Yasumoto (NŒ³) Yoshisaburo (—^ŽO˜Y) Yoshihiro (‹`L) Yoshisada (‹`’è) Youichiro (‹»ˆê˜Y) Yoshitame (‹`ˆ×)